Photography by Dave Barfield
Tallahassee has become a city of towns. Downtown. Midtown. Uptown. College Town. All boast their share of attractions, and all share a particularly attractive form of outdoor art. Murals scattered amongst Florida’s capital city coat otherwise forgettable walls with charm and whimsy. Even at its most basic brushstroke, this large-scale art form declares intent, be it by distinguishing one business amid many, broadcasting a credo, or simply inviting any passerby to stop and look.

“EVIL!,” by Alex Koenig — “Syringa vulgaris,” by Michelle Medrano (aka Soymeeshii) — “Nobody Wins,” by Peter Koenig — All Pieces curated by Sarah Painter

W Gaines Street behind Grasslands Brewing Company — Coordinated by FSU Department of Art Education — Hosted in collaboration with Tallahassee’s Opening Nights Performing Arts and Garages on Gaines — Painted by volunteers

CSX underpass on S. Monroe between E. Bloxham Street and Oakland Avenue — Art & Design by BirdO (Jerry Rugg) — Curation/Production by Street Art Tallahassee — Sponsored by the Council on Culture & Arts and Blueprint 2000

2415 N Monroe Street — Executed by Reinier Gambo, Parker Robinson, and Cory Ryan — Coordinated by Street Art Tallahassee

2415 N Monroe Street — Executed by Reinier Gambo, Parker Robinson, and Cory Ryan — Coordinated by Street Art Tallahassee