
Anatomy of a Cheese Board

by Jessica Clark | Photography by Dave Barfield Meat and cheese have been featured together on everything from Wonder Bread to silver platters, but one thing is for sure: the pairing has been around a long time. It hasn’t been until recently, however, that...

Finer Things

Liam’s Restaurant of Thomasville, GA by Raven Edwards | Photography by Dave Barfield Nestled in the heart of downtown Thomasville is a restaurant with uncommon vision and the freshest, choicest ingredients around. I recently sat down with Rhonda Foster, ...

Southern Summertime Pickled Shrimp

by Jessica Clark I’m a transplant to the South. That’s right, I’m one of those genealogical an...

Restaurant in the Front Farm in the Back

Text and Photography by Remi Escudie Backwoods Crossing Comes to Tallahassee Okra, rainbow quinoa an...

A New Sense of Community through Food Truck Culture

by Brianna Sörne The idea of the food truck represents something humble and earnest that allows cr...

Lactose Intolerance Doesn’t Mean You Have to Ditch Dairy

By Alyssa Greenstein, R.D., LD/N Milk and other dairy products have long been staples in the Americ...

Farm to Table

Taking Root in Tallahassee: The Miccosukee Root Cellar   When you walk into the Miccosukee Roo...

Enchanting Cilantro

by Lori Zavada Prep Time : 15-20 minutes Yield: serves 4 to 6 Springtime Corn Salsa   1 cup fr...

A Garden Anyone Can Grow

It’s that time again. Time to plan the family garden with delicious produce you’ll pick througho...


By Brien R. Sörne A Swedish word derived from three other words: smör (butter), gås (goose) and b...