Thank you for your interest in writing for Tallahassee Family Magazine. While we cannot promise publication, we are always happy to review and consider reader articles for submission.
Thank you for your interest in writing for Tallahassee Family Magazine. While we cannot promise publication, we are always happy to review and consider reader articles for submission.
At this time, Tallahassee Family Magazine does not pay for articles. We appreciate that you are interested in sharing your stories and experience with our readership and hope that your affiliation with TFM helps you in many ways. Should your article be published, TFM will mail you a complimentary issue as well as provide PDF proof copies of your article via e-mail by request. By submitting an article for possible publication, the writer is granting TFM the right to edit, abridge and publish in print and online.
TFM generally publishes 3-5 “feature” articles in its quarterly issues. Features can run anywhere from 2000 to 2,500 words and are not intended to be advertisements. Other articles generally run from 1200 to 1,500 words. Sponsored or advertiser articles will be considered on a case-by-case basis considering theme, content and tone. Popular writers or topics may be invited to future editions.
No, TFM’s staff will determine if an article requires artwork or photography based on layout needs. Writer submitted photography to accompany articles will be considered on a case-by-case basis and must be in high-resolution, print quality format. Please include any credits and releases, in addition to a byline descriptor.
Please send articles in MS Word or PDF format with as little text formatting as possible.
Please send a photo of yourself and a brief, 2 to 3 sentence bio. Depending on layout needs, your photo may or may not accompany your article. Also, if desired, please send the physical address to which you would like your complimentary issue mailed should your article be published.
While our submission deadlines are typically a month before publication, we encourage our writers to submit regardless of timing. If an article is not used for the upcoming issue, it may be published in a future edition.
Yes. It is the intention of the editor to send an e-mail alerting writers that their article was chosen and in which edition your article will be published. You will not necessarily receive any notification if your article is not selected. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at