
Baby Sign Language

by Ursula Perano Of all of the firsts that come in the beginning of a child’s life, there is something uniquely paramount about their first word. For the child, it opens a gateway into a world of conversations. For parents, it is the key to finally being abl...

Child Abuse Prevention: Six Tips for Back to School

by Lauren Book and Tara Zuckerman, Psy.D. The beginning of a new school year can be very exciting with new teachers, new classmates, new opportunities and a new environment. Unfortunately, it can also mean new opportunities for children to come into contact ...

Adventure on Aconcagua

Jeremy Rogers is not a man you easily forget. When you meet him, he looks right at you and immediat...

Discovering and Challenging the Giftedness in Your VPK Child

By Cynthia Thomas Every parent delights in the achievements of their child. They know that selecting...