
Be Ready for the Summer with Smart Bicycle Safety

from the Office of Leon County Sheriff Mike Wood The summer months are quickly approaching. During this time, it’s normal to see more and more people, young and old, enjoying a bicycle ride. Bicycling can be fun and good exercise for any person wanting to...

Child Abuse Prevention: Six Tips for Back to School

by Lauren Book and Tara Zuckerman, Psy.D. The beginning of a new school year can be very exciting with new teachers, new classmates, new opportunities and a new environment. Unfortunately, it can also mean new opportunities for children to come into contact ...

Adventure on Aconcagua

Jeremy Rogers is not a man you easily forget. When you meet him, he looks right at you and immediat...

A New Sense of Community through Food Truck Culture

by Brianna Sörne The idea of the food truck represents something humble and earnest that allows cr...

Ready to Knock Down Parkinson’s Disease

by Samantha Thony Imagine not being able to get out of your own bed, drive a car or even work. Y...

Lactose Intolerance Doesn’t Mean You Have to Ditch Dairy

By Alyssa Greenstein, R.D., LD/N Milk and other dairy products have long been staples in the Americ...

From Humble Shack to Thriving Marine Environmental Education Center

by Jack Rudloe When I started Gulf Specimen Marine Lab in 1965 in a shack in Panacea, Fla., I had n...

The Business of School: The Standardization, Commercialization and Commoditization of American Youth

Whether we want to acknowledge it or not, we are going through one of the largest economic transform...

Memorable Camp Vittles

Dad never was much of a cook when I was young and living at home. That was Mom’s job. However...